Opening Night Friday 13th 6pm
10 November 2009 – 23 January 2010
ARC Biennial
Gympie Regional Gallery
Artists: Angela Rossitto, David Creed, Sarah Werkmeister, David Spooner, Alex Cuffe and Rebecca Ross
We're having an exhibition that is opening this friday night in Gympie! Yup, you read right. Gympie. Not only does the place offer a great range of leisurely pursuits, but it's also got an awesome gallery where we will be showcasing our wares.
We have been working furiously over the past couple of months. Knitting, making "video art" and generally transforming "the everyday" (which, by the way, was invented in 1972) into a veritable insectual wonderland. Don't miss such great hits as "mating stick insects", "munters singing the beatles", or "when helium goes bad".
In_sect installed over a bomb shelter HERE
Process pics HERE
Essay by Carmen Ansaldo HERE